Approach Tools  

The Persona Maker™ Approach
Persona: The role that one displays in public; one's public image or personality.

Our approach is driven by:

Your customer or client
Find your next ‘best client’. Your company’s persona is based on how your customers feel about your organization, your market and your competitors, both emotionally and rationally.

Tone and personality
A persona must resonate with the company. We conduct The Persona Maker™ Workshop to ensure your company’s unique personality is projected in the market.

A persona must be functional. We examine the ways that you currently display your persona and the ways it may be displayed in the future. We build a persona that is flexible and consistent.

Internal buy-in
Your employees and stakeholders are your representatives. If they don’t ‘get it’, then how will they tell your story?

What do you want to achieve? We work with you to establish measures of success at the outset and manage the objectives through to a successful completion.

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